Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park and Reserve
Location: Kwale District, Coast Province.
The marine park is 6km from the Kenya Coast(at shimoni)and 8km north of the Tanzanian border.
Distance from Nairobi: 605 Km
Distance from Mombasa: 120Km
Size: 39sq km.
Climate: The coast is humid with mean annual departures from 22 to 34 degrees celcius.Annual rainfall is about 500mm.
Major attractions: Coral gardens, Marine Life: Over 250 recorded species including fish, dolphine, sea turtle, whale, coral, sea grass and gastropod.
Birds: Many sea birds in large nesting colonies and internationally significant numbers of crab-plover and roseate tern.
Access: Roads: 85km from Mombasa Via Dianiand Kwale.
Best time to visit: All year round.
Activities: Swimming, snorkeling, diving.
Visit Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve as well as many other exciting regions by embarking on a Kenya Safari tour.